Accountability Mechanisms in Costa Rica: Engaging with Goal 6

by | Jan 25, 2018 | Blogs

Goal 6 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the pathway through which the human rights to water and sanitation are carried out. It is the political commitment of states to ensure the universalisation of safe drinking water and sanitation services.

In order to respect its political commitment, the Costa Rican government – through the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy – initiated a process of harmonisation of the development plan with the SDGs objectives. Through this, a CSO platform for SDG compliance was created, which is a space for dialogue and advising the Government on the implementation of the SDGs. This platform is represented in the High Level Council of the SDGs, which is convened by the Presidency of the Republic at least three times a year.

It is this Council who is responsible for monitoring and evaluation of the SDGs compliance, establishing accountability mechanisms through the SDG National Forum, and developing reports on the country’s progress, which is submitted to the United Nations. As a result, civil society organisations from Costa Rica have been able to influence and to be included within accountability processes.

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This process is an opportunity for civil society organisations to push the government to outline their progress in the country report which will be presented in the coming regional water and sanitation meeting in 2019 (Latinosan). The country reports will be aligned with Goal 6 and present an advocacy opportunity with increasing space for civil society (CSOs and CBOs) involvement and participation in water and sanitation management, the prioritisation of investment and the establishment of long term accountability mechanisms for the human right to water and sanitation.