The Big Splash – April 2024: announcing new steering committee representatives & acting global coordinator

by | May 1, 2024 | News

Secretariat and steering committee updates

End Water Poverty is pleased to welcome two new representatives to its steering committee following Latin America’s regional election:

  1. Georgina Vidriales will be Latin America’s main representative. Georgina is the co-coordinator of Redes del Agua’s Mexico sub-region as well as the program director of Senderos y Encuentros para un Desarrollo Autónomo Sustentable (SENDAS A.C.) in Veracruz.
  2. Yalkiria Pineda will be Latin America’s alternate representative. Yalkiria is the co-coordinator of Redes del Agua’s Central América sub-region as well as the director of Centro Especializado de Atención a la Mujer (CEAMUJER) in Nicaragua.

The secretariat looks forward to working with Georgina and Yalkiria over the next two years. The secretariat would like to thank our outgoing Latin America representatives Jorge Mora Portuguez and Nathalie Seguin for their years of dedicated service and incisive strategic advice. While recruitment is ongoing for a permanent global coordinator, Nathalie will be acting as End Water Poverty’s interim global coordinator on a four month contract. Please join the secretariat in welcoming Nathalie, Georgina, and Yalkiria in their new roles with the coalition.

Sponsorships for members to attend the People’s Water Forum

From 21-23 May water justice campaigners will gather at the People’s Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia, to challenge the corporate capture of global water governance and champion public-community alternatives, promoting water as a human right and common good.

End Water Poverty has an extremely limited number of sponsorships available for members who wish attend the People’s Water Forum (PWF) in person. Each sponsorship aims to cover travel, accommodation, visas, local transportation, food costs and per diems. This sponsorship does NOT include access to the official World Water Forum, which will take place from 18-25 May approximately 30-40 km away from the People’s Water Forum.

Before deciding if you wish to attend please carefully review this webpage, which outlines the Forum’s history, objectives and themes. You must meet the following selection criteria:

  • You must align with the Forum’s purpose, principles, and objectives
  • You must only apply for one sponsorship per organisation
  • You must also register your interest by completing the PWF’s webform

If you meet these criteria, please email a paragraph outlining your motivations for attending to [email protected] by Sunday 5 May at the latest. Preference will be given to members based in Asia just as preference was given to members from the African continent when the Forum was held in Senegal in 2022. We are particularly keen to receive applications from members who also took part in the Hearing the Unheard campaign.

Please note that you do not have to fly to Bali to participate in the People’s Water Forum. In addition to on-site mobilisations, there will be hybrid and virtual events to connect proceedings in Bali with local, national, regional and international action across the world. If you’d like to learn more about the People’s Water Forum, please watch this introductory webinar.