The Big Splash – February 2024

by | Mar 1, 2024 | News

Global Coordinator job advert

The job advert for End Water Poverty’s next Global Coordinator is now live. The updated job description incorporates feedback from our recent member survey to include an explicit focus on establishing strong member relations, fundraising to deepen support for members’ local/national advocacy, and embedding the principles of localisation and decolonisation into End Water Poverty’s work practices.

The Coordinator will have a two-year, fixed-term, full-time contract and will be hosted by WaterAid. Please note that the listed locations on the job advert are just examples; you do not have to be based in a country where WaterAid works to apply. Applications will close at 23:59 on Sunday 17 March 2024. Thank you to all members for your patience while awaiting an update on the Coordinator recruitment.

People’s Water Forum: call for programme proposals

Registration is now open for the People’s Water Forum (PWF). From 21-23 May water justice campaigners from around the world will gather in Bali, Indonesia, to challenge the corporate capture of global water governance and champion public-community alternatives, promoting water as a human right and common good.

You do not have to fly to Bali to participate in the People’s Water Forum. In addition to on-site mobilisations, there will be hybrid and virtual events to connect proceedings in Bali with local, national, regional and international action across the world. Civil society can submit session proposals for the People’s Water Forum using this form. A choice of session formats is available: from panel discussions, roundtables, workshops, and debates, to photo/art exhibitions, musical or theatre performances and film screenings.

Session proposals should be related to one of the following PWF themes:

  • Gender and water
  • Solidarity for water justice
  • Human right to water
  • Water privatisation and financialisation
  • Urban water services
  • Dams
  • Water and extractives
  • Water and energy
  • Water and industrial agriculture, plantations
  • Water resources management
  • Water and land grabbing

If you have an idea for a session or would like to discuss organising a joint event with End Water Poverty, please email [email protected]. The deadline to submit a proposal is 9 April.

Claim Your Water Rights member updates

Vision Africa Regional Network – Zambia (VAREN) has compelled 15 private mining companies in Luapula province to sign business, human rights and climate justice commitments. Commitments are signed in the presence of Luapula’s permanent secretary as well as the provincial water and environment ministers to ensure compliance.

The International Labour Research and Information Group (ILRIG) has published a ‘People’s History of Water Privatisation’ in South Africa. The popular education booklet unravels the intertwined history of neoliberalism and apartheid, outlining the various types of water privatisation as well as the resistance of various movements, from the Coalition Against Water Privatisation to our members the Africa Water Commons Collective. ILRIG has disseminated 1.500 copies of the popular education booklet to community and workers organisations as well as allied NGOs, and planned public events to launch the booklet.

Call for input: thematic report on the rights to food and water

Pedro Arrojo-Agudo, UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation, is calling for civil society contributions to his upcoming report on the nexus between water and food. Inputs should be no longer than 2,500 words and submitted in English, French or Spanish. Please inform us if you plan to submit an input – the deadline to do so is Friday 15 March.

Steering committee update

The Steering Committee held its quarterly meeting on 22 February. The Secretariat and regional representatives provided updates on recent work and constituency priorities before discussing the global coordinator recruitment process plus plans for the People’s Water Forum and World Water Forum. Jackson Mwenya also gave a presentation on Vision Africa Regional Network’s exceptional work to uphold corporate compliance, water rights and climate justice in Luapula province, Zambia.