100-day countdown to the adoption of the post-2015 agenda

by | Jun 17, 2015 | Blogs

Almost the end of a journey and the beginning of a new, 15-year path towards sustainable development

Written by Naiara Costa, Beyond 2015 Advocacy Director

Yes, countdowns make all of us nervous. It means that we are starting to see the end of a process and, at the same time, realizing all that still needs to be done. With the United Nations Post-2015 process this is not different. We are now starting to see the end of the road, with only 100 days lacking before the adoption of the new sustainable development agenda by Heads of State in New York, in September. It has been a long, exciting, exhaustive, inclusive, populated, multi-sectorial, “glocal” (meaning global and local), extremely consultative journey so far. A process that generated huge levels of interest from all types of stakeholders: from governments to civil society, from United Nations entities to the private sector, local authorities, philanthropies, communities and, most importantly, people from all over the world. Now it is time to see all this diversity and enthusiasm reflected in a consensus document that will set the global community in an inclusive, participatory and sustainable development path, that will seek to put people at the centre and leave no one behind and seek to protect and heal the planet. World leaders are expected to express a definitive commitment towards ending poverty and to galvanize a common understanding that the three pillars of sustainable development (social, economic and environmental) are interconnected and demand integrated solutions and approaches.

Now is the time for a recommitment to human rights, including women’s rights and to establish a social pact where all people – including children, youth, women, persons with disabilities, older persons and especially the poorest and marginalized – have the necessary space, conditions and tools to participate in and monitor decisions that affect their lives. Diplomats in New York have a huge responsibility in the next 100 days (or less, since they need to reach an agreement way before Heads of State start packing to come to New York): they must translate the ambition into a universal agreement and set up the basis for the implementation and accountability of the new Agenda. Heads of State and Government have 100 days to prepare bold commitments to implement this agenda at national level and give the initial steps towards a new, sustainable world. The clock is ticking and there is a lot to be done but the road travelled so far brings great optimism that the next 15 years will see the necessary, positive changes that we all expect. 17 June 2015: #100days Today- 17 June 2015- marks 100 days until the UN Summit in September to agree on the post-2015 development framework. Beyond 2015 is calling for all world leaders to be courageous by committing to adopting an ambitious and transformative framework for and with people and the planet. It is now time for all countries to both commit to implementing the post-2015 agenda, and to ensuring full participation of civil society and other stakeholders in this process. We must all work to ensure that no one is left behind. Please share our message with your networks and partners to get world leaders to commit! Download the letter here, and all other #100days resources developed by Beyond 2015 here, including postcards to share on social media.


Beyond 2015 is a global civil society campaign, pushing for a strong and legitimate successor framework to the Millennium Development Goals, in the post-2015 agenda. Bringing together over 1300 organisations from around the world, of which End Water Povrety is a part of, the campaign works with others to build a global, multi-stakeholder civil society movement for a legitimate post-2015 framework. For more information, visit the Beyond 2015 website.