Prakesh Amatya, Technical Advisor to GUTHI, writes about their recent World Toilet Day celebrations and community engagements. Today we are...
End Water Poverty
Question: What do 2,4 billion people have in common?
Answer: They don't have access to a safe toilet. Blog post written by Ben Hobbs, Campaign Manager for Generation Nutrition ahead of World...
Addressing the urban sanitation crisis: time for a radical shift
Ahead of World Toilet Day on Saturday 19 November, a number of leading organisations came together to call for a renewed sanitation agenda....
Upcoming Sanitation and Water for All webinar: 23 November
Please join the Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) partnership for the upcoming webinar which will focus on the 2017 High-level Meetings. The...
EWP members call for change at COP 22!
“Water resource management is climate change adaption“ says Joe Bongay (Executive Director - Young Volunteers for the Environment - The Gambia)...
Read our latest news!
Read End Water Poverty's most recent newsletter from October/ November for the latest in the WASH sector - or view this online. Sustainable...
Update from the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights to Water and Sanitation
Hello all, After what has been a prolonged period of absence for some members of the “friends list” to the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on...
Why can people get access to mobile phones, and not safe water?
Vincent Casey, a Senior WASH Advisor at WaterAid, looks at how comparison of two completely different services can offer new angles and provide...
Miss Tourism Ghana Ambassadors on Global Handwashing Day campaign
Great work celebrating Global Handwashing Day by EWP members, Abibiman Foundation in Ghana! News originally posted on Modern Ghana online, 14...
It's Global Handwashing Day tomorrow!
Join us in celebrating Global Handwashing Day tomorrow - 15 October - as we say “Make Handwashing a Habit!” For handwashing to be effective, it...
Zambia pushes to make handwashing a habit!
Ahead of Global handwashing Day on 15 October 2016 - Jessy Sing’ute, Research and Advocacy Officer at Vision Africa Regional Network (VAREN)...
Upcoming webinar with Special Rapporteur on safe drinking water and sanitation
Upcoming Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN) Webinar: "Participation: The key to gender equality in the human rights to water and sanitation?"...
Pakistan: clean hands can save millions of working and school-going children!
Blog post written by Syed Shah Nasir, Executive Director of Integrated Regional Support Programme (IRSP) of Pakistan. Sadly, like many other...
What we learned from our post-2015 advocacy: WaterAid
Agenda 2030 outlines a diverse, universal and incredibly ambitious programme. But how effective was the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)...
Fantastic news: WaterAid renews partnership with End Water Poverty!
End Water Poverty is delighted to announce that we have renewed our partnership with WaterAid, confirming our joint action to achieve our...