To add your organisation's name to this statement, please sign here. The statement is open for signatures until 19 March 2021. On 22 March...
End Water Poverty
Mobilising people to demand their water rights from duty-bearers in Zambia
To deny people the right to water is to deny them multiple rights, including education, food, and health. According to the 2018 Zambia...
National Human Rights Institutions and Water Governance – Compilation of Good Practices
Human Right 2 Water and End Water Poverty have published a Compilation of Good Practices for National Human Rights Institutions and Water...
Member in the Spotlight: Manushya Foundation | The community-led class action lawsuit fighting gold-mining in Phichit, Thailand
In central Thailand's Phichit and Phetchabun provinces, over 6,000 villagers are severely affected by the goldmining operations of Akara...
Realising rural communities' rights to safe water in Tanzania
On February 13, Media for Community Empowerment (MECE) aired a radio show on Pambazuko FM, which is based in Kilombero, Tanzania. This marked...
Over 100 civil society organisations stand behind UN Special Rapporteur Léo Heller, denounce private water industry interference
We, the undersigned, express our strong support for the report on “The Privatisation of Water and Sanitation Services” of the United Nations...
Global Handwashing Day 2020 | Handwashing in the time of Covid-19 and beyond: the demand is there, the means are not
Ny Toetrandro: Talata: Misy orana be Alarobia: Misy orana be Alakamisy: Misy orana be Zoma: Misy orana be This was the automated text forecast...
UNISON and End Water Poverty launch human rights toolkit for water and sanitation advocates
On Monday 12 October End Water Poverty and UNISON, the UK's largest union, published the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation Advocacy Toolkit...
Surviving Covid: Government, Pay Your Water Bills!
Faced with the common threat of Covid-19, global citizens are tasked to forgo ideological, social, political and economic differences. Among...
Finance and Governance: Government, Pay Your Water Bills!
At 3pm on 25 August 2020, experts, human right advocates and concerned global citizens gathered to discuss issues relating to the provision of...
The scale of Zimbabwe's water crisis
On 28 July National Association of Youth Organizations (NAYO) joined activists and civil society around the world to commemorate ten years...
Airing concerns: how radio raises community voices in Tanzania
Between 13 February and 20 March, Media for Community Empowerment (MACS) aired #ClaimYourWaterRights radio shows in Morogoro and Zanzibar,...
10 years later, where are we?
28 July marked the tenth anniversary of the human rights to water and sanitation. Without a vaccine, handwashing remains the most effective way...
26 years later, water rights are still not real in South Africa
10 years ago today the UN General Assembly recognised water and sanitation as a human right. It’s been more than 24 years since the South...
Ten years of water rights: join our global protest on 28 July!
Why are we protesting? 28 July marks ten years of the human rights to water and sanitation. To highlight the injustice of billions of people...