Photo: WaterAid/ Eliza Powell In 2010, we celebrated the declaration of access to water and sanitation as a human right at the United Nations...
End Water Poverty
Chennai water woes: 10 million people living through the worst water crisis
Photo: REUTERS / P. Ravikumar “Water for sanitation is scarce. Laundry and bathing are nothing short of luxury, IT sector companies have asked...
WASH Education: Key to Unlocking SDG6 in Nigeria
Photos by Hope Spring Water Every child with access to education spends an average of six hours a day in school. However, 50% of schools in...
Menstrual Hygiene: Starting the Conversation
Photos by SEED Madagascar Imagine you start bleeding from somewhere you have never before. How do you feel? Scared? Confused? You go to someone...
A Decisive Mandate for People and Planet
The European elections that took place on 23-26 May were probably the most crucial ones since 1979, the first time when the Members of the...
Legal activism, research and advocacy to catalyse change: The Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI)
Photos: SERI The Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI) is a non-profit organisation and public interest law clinic that...
Water and Youth: StandUp4Water
Photo: WaterAid/ James Kiyimba Writing this from a perspective of a German female under 30, I might be considered young. However, when...
A Green New Deal for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Photo: WaterAid/ Sam Vox On 23 April, Michel Barnier, called for a Green New Deal for Europe urging policy-makers to better protect...
Les droits à l’eau et à l’assainissement en France: quelles réalités?
Bidonville de Canéjan (Gironde), Aout 2018. Photographie de Félicie Gaudillat et Hippolyte Radisson, IJBA Blog rédigé par Edith...
StandUp4Water and for Women’s rights: European Parliament to support joined implementation of SDG 5 and 6
Photo: WaterAid / Sam Vox The connection between women empowerment, gender equality and access to water and sanitation is now well...
Period Matters Project: Empowerment Through Reusable Sanitary Pad Production
The Period Matters Project provides access to reproductive health information and sustainable, clean and safe options for menstrual hygiene...
Period: A Simple Conversation
We need to talk! Don’t worry, it’s nothing scary. It’s just about periods! It’s a conversation that we to need have at some point; so why not...
Dirty water, poor health: MEPs can help change this
Photo: WaterAid / Guilhem Alandry 7 April marked World Health Day with a focus this year on Universal Health Coverage (UHC), one of the...
MHM and Period Poverty: The Price of Being a Woman in Zambia
Photo: WaterAid / Chileshe Chanda You cannot cook, you are unhygienic. You cannot pray, the gods will not hear you. You cannot sleep in the...
A Step Too Little? A Step Too Late?
In March 2019, the UK Government announced changes that would help end period poverty in the UK and overseas. From the provision of free...