Within the development sector, we talk about reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 on a daily basis. What we often forget...
HLPF 2018: Improved Reporting on Safely Managed Water and Sanitation Services
This time last year, End Water Poverty brought the misreporting on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) progress levels using incorrect...
Report Launch: Global Review of National Accountability Mechanisms for SDG6
Between October 2017 – March 2018, a study was conducted on national accountability mechanisms for the implementation of Sustainable...
SEED Madagascar Tackles Clean Water Access in Rural Madagascar Through Rainwater Harvesting and Well Management
SEED Madagascar’s WASH team focus their rural efforts at two ends of the spectrum: introducing a new approach to a country steeped in strict...
Kenya’s Civil Society Could Use Their New Law to Deliver Safe Water to the Bottom Seven Percent
In November 2017, I was invited to a meeting organised by KEWASNET, a coalition which is a member of End Water Poverty, to discuss Kenya’s WASH...
FAMA and WWF8: Two Different Worlds Discussing Water Issues in Brasilia
Last month (17-23 March), two large events took place in the capital of Brazil, both dealing with water to raise awareness about (rising)...
Pump Aid harnesses the power of local entrepreneurs to end water poverty
Whilst many initiatives led by governments and NGOs have done a great deal to improve the rural water supply in Africa, DFID Malawi estimates...
How can we leave no one behind if we aren’t counting the most marginalised?
This March is Water Action Month hosted by End Water Poverty (EWP). Each year, members of EWP come together to organise activities and campaign...
Happy Water Action Month!
Our annual campaign, Water Action Month (WAM) has now begun! With international and regional events taking place (such as SACOSAN VII, the...
Getting Lebanon’s water flowing: Using new SDG data in an urban crisis
The Syrian conflict has displaced 1.5 million people to Lebanon, putting pressure on water services and resources. Humanitarian agencies and...
Accountability Mechanisms in Costa Rica: Engaging with Goal 6
Goal 6 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the pathway through which the human rights to water and sanitation are carried out. It is...
SDGs Require a Strong Common Advocacy Agenda from East Africa CSOs
This is particularly true today when countries such as Zambia are experiencing cholera outbreaks or when Kenyan organisations are fighting...
Action for Tomorrow
End Water Poverty and WASHwatch are kicking off 2018 with a call for civil society to take action for tomorrow. 2018 is an invaluable...
Keeping the girl dream alive through Pad-A-Girl Initiative
As the first signs of menstruation are felt, they serve as constant reminders of the oncoming abuse and stigmatisation that most girls in...
Leave No One’s Human Rights Behind
On Human Rights Day, End Water Poverty along with three organisations (Help Refugees, the Inter Regional Support Programme of Pakistan and Slum...