Photo: WaterAid/ James Kiyimba Writing this from a perspective of a German female under 30, I might be considered young. However, when...
A Green New Deal for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Photo: WaterAid/ Sam Vox On 23 April, Michel Barnier, called for a Green New Deal for Europe urging policy-makers to better protect...
Les droits à l’eau et à l’assainissement en France: quelles réalités?
Bidonville de Canéjan (Gironde), Aout 2018. Photographie de Félicie Gaudillat et Hippolyte Radisson, IJBA Blog rédigé par Edith...
StandUp4Water and for Women’s rights: European Parliament to support joined implementation of SDG 5 and 6
Photo: WaterAid / Sam Vox The connection between women empowerment, gender equality and access to water and sanitation is now well...
Period Matters Project: Empowerment Through Reusable Sanitary Pad Production
The Period Matters Project provides access to reproductive health information and sustainable, clean and safe options for menstrual hygiene...
Period: A Simple Conversation
We need to talk! Don’t worry, it’s nothing scary. It’s just about periods! It’s a conversation that we to need have at some point; so why not...
Dirty water, poor health: MEPs can help change this
Photo: WaterAid / Guilhem Alandry 7 April marked World Health Day with a focus this year on Universal Health Coverage (UHC), one of the...
MHM and Period Poverty: The Price of Being a Woman in Zambia
Photo: WaterAid / Chileshe Chanda You cannot cook, you are unhygienic. You cannot pray, the gods will not hear you. You cannot sleep in the...
A Step Too Little? A Step Too Late?
In March 2019, the UK Government announced changes that would help end period poverty in the UK and overseas. From the provision of free...
WASH and Disability: A Closer Look
Both a cause and a consequence of poverty; disability can seriously impede a person’s right to safely managed water, sanitation and hygiene in...
The Undeniable Link: Climate Change and its Impact on WASH
Photo: Asad Zaidi In 2009, Carter Rogers, the CEO of WWF-US, said that the language of water is the language of climate change. With water...
Youth Participation in WASH: Essential for a Sustainable Future
Water is an essential component of sustainable development, having a crucial role in human well-being, socio-economic growth and the health of...
Education: a long-term and sustainable investment in WASH
Photo: SEED Madagascar Education is a right. Every single child should have access to quality education and learning opportunities....
Taboos and Period Poverty, a Silent Epidemic
Photo: WaterAid/ James Kiyimba Globally, ‘menstruation,’ vagina’ and ‘period’ are words and topics that are spoken about in whispers. This is...
Achieving Gender Equality Through Universal Access to Water
Water issues are highly gendered. In most cultures, the responsibility of collecting water and maintaining its hygiene standards falls to women...