While some countries have learnt the bitter lesson of privatisation and taken measures to renationalise water sectors, others still fall prey...
Tanzania government pledges 500 million USD to address the rural water crisis after Media for Community Empowerment journalists air villagers’ concerns
PRESS RELEASE: Tanzania’s Ministry of Water has pledged 500 million USD to improve more than 600,000 people’s access to safe water in Korogwe,...
Zimbabwe’s drought: depletion and economic downturn leads to disaster
The Zimbabwe water crisis has turned into a national disaster. The government - from local to national level - has failed to honour its...
Where can I go to the toilet once I leave the house?
If you are far from home and need the toilet, where do you go? When answering nature’s call, billions of people struggle to find a place to...
What is civil society doing to make climate resilience a priority?
Two videos from Sanitation and Water For All explain why civil society organisations working on water and sanitation should make climate...
Civil Society: Change makers and allies with Government in reaching SDG6
Civil society organisations (CSOs) play a key role in ensuring no one is left behind as we strive to achieve Sustainable Development Goals...
Using local radio and mobile phones to empower communities in Tanzania
Photos: Media for Community Empowerment According to WHO/UNICEF, only 57% of Tanzania’s 57 million population have access to basic water...
Clean toilets for girls in rural Nigeria
Photos: WaterWide Nigeria Raising awareness on the health challenges girls in rural areas face as a result of poor sanitary systems, the need...
Breaking the silence: demystifying menstruation myths and taboos
Menstruation is a daily reality for millions of women and girls around the globe. A natural biological process, which should dignify women and...
Unjust and unequal: new statistics on WASH access levels
Photo: WaterAid/ Eliza Powell In 2010, we celebrated the declaration of access to water and sanitation as a human right at the United Nations...
Chennai water woes: 10 million people living through the worst water crisis
Photo: REUTERS / P. Ravikumar “Water for sanitation is scarce. Laundry and bathing are nothing short of luxury, IT sector companies have asked...
WASH Education: Key to Unlocking SDG6 in Nigeria
Photos by Hope Spring Water Every child with access to education spends an average of six hours a day in school. However, 50% of schools in...
Menstrual Hygiene: Starting the Conversation
Photos by SEED Madagascar Imagine you start bleeding from somewhere you have never before. How do you feel? Scared? Confused? You go to someone...
A Decisive Mandate for People and Planet
The European elections that took place on 23-26 May were probably the most crucial ones since 1979, the first time when the Members of the...
Legal activism, research and advocacy to catalyse change: The Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI)
Photos: SERI The Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI) is a non-profit organisation and public interest law clinic that...