At 3pm on 25 August 2020, experts, human right advocates and concerned global citizens gathered to discuss issues relating to the provision of...
The scale of Zimbabwe's water crisis
On 28 July National Association of Youth Organizations (NAYO) joined activists and civil society around the world to commemorate ten years...
Airing concerns: how radio raises community voices in Tanzania
Between 13 February and 20 March, Media for Community Empowerment (MACS) aired #ClaimYourWaterRights radio shows in Morogoro and Zanzibar,...
10 years later, where are we?
28 July marked the tenth anniversary of the human rights to water and sanitation. Without a vaccine, handwashing remains the most effective way...
26 years later, water rights are still not real in South Africa
10 years ago today the UN General Assembly recognised water and sanitation as a human right. It’s been more than 24 years since the South...
Ten years of water rights: join our global protest on 28 July!
Why are we protesting? 28 July marks ten years of the human rights to water and sanitation. To highlight the injustice of billions of people...
Diez años de derechos al agua: únete nuestra protesta global en 28 de julio
¿Por qué estamos protestando? El 28 de julio es el décimo aniversario de los derechos humanos al agua y al saneamiento. Para evidenciar la...
Claim Your Water Rights capacity building: an example of collaboration within the coalition
From 30 June to 1 July, Media for Community Empowerment delivered media training to staff at Tanzania League of the Blind (TLB) in Morogoro....
France municipal elections: what are the candidates’ water commitments?
Following the second round of France's municipal elections on 28 June, we've analysed the commitments of candidates in five cities to identify...
Member in the Spotlight: Tanzania Women Empowerment in Action
Get to know the newest member of our global coalition: Tanzania Women Empowerment in Action (TAWEA). From exposing human rights abuses linked...
Job alert: Sanitation and Water for All consultant
Sanitation and Water for All is launching a consultancy for a study on Civil Society engagement within the partnership and recruiting a...
Llamamiento mundial a los gobiernos para que protejan a las personas frente al Covid-19 haciendo realidad el derecho humano al agua potable segura
Por favor firme esta petición. Las instrucciones son claras. El lavado de manos es el principal medio para prevenir la infección por Covid-19....
Zambia NGO WASH Forum respond to government directive to commercial utilities to maintain water supply during COVID-19 outbreak
The Zambia NGO WASH Forum is a network of civil society and non-government organisations working on water, sanitation and hygiene. Since its...
End Water Poverty and Public Services International urge governments to realise water and sanitation workers’ rights amid COVID-19 pandemic
For some people, working from home isn’t an option. Every day water and sanitation workers risk their lives to earn a living. If the spread of...
Appel mondial aux gouvernements pour qu'ils réalisent les droits des travailleurs du secteur de l'eau et de l'assainissement dans le contexte de la pandémie COVID-19
Pour certaines personnes, le télétravail n’est pas une option. Chaque jour, des travailleurs du secteur de l'eau et de l'assainissement...