Mexico water rights defenders expose state violence in fight against privatisation

by | Sep 6, 2022 | News

Redes del Agua recently held an international press conference to highlight state violence against water rights defenders in Querétaro, Mexico, after three people were arbitrarily detained and tortured on 20 June for resisting a new law that fosters privatisation, threatens ecosystems and undermines human rights.

At the conference BajoTierra Museo del Agua urged the international community to “call out the Querétaro government for criminalisation, discrimination, racism and violence against human rights defenders.”

Civil society had initially approached their local and national human rights commissions with evidence of state violence. However, after realising that the commissions had been coopted, activists escalated concerns to Mexico’s President and activated UN Special Procedures.

To learn more about the fight against privatisation in Querétaro, you can read Redes Del Agua’s joint statement in English and Spanish.