National Human Rights Institutions and Water Governance – Compilation of Good Practices

by | Jan 27, 2021 | News

Human Right 2 Water and End Water Poverty have published a Compilation of Good Practices for National Human Rights Institutions and Water Governance.

National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) can support people to claim their human rights to safe water and sanitation through their role as independent advisors to government and their capacity to promote, protect and monitor human rights. This publication seeks to foster a culture of collaboration between civil society and national human rights institutions.

Human Right 2 Water

The compilation is divided into three parts. Good Practices gathers examples of various water governance practices adopted by NHRIs, with case studies from Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Latin America. Summaries of NHRIs’ water governance offers specific examples to illustrate how these good practices are implemented. Challenges and Obstacles highlights both existing and future challenges encountered by NHRIs.

Human Right 2 Water and End Water Poverty are grateful to all institutions who contributed to this publication by sharing their experience. The compilation will be shared with End Water Poverty’s members and NHRIs worldwide.